Monthly Contest Rules
1. Eligibility
1.1. Competitors must be members in good standing with Linn Area Photo Club.
1.2. Must be present during contest to win.
2. Entry Format
2.1. Entries must be in print form only for scheduled category.
2.2. No restriction regarding print media. Glossy, matte, metallic, canvas etc.
2.3. Entries can be either color or black and white unless category specifies one or the other.
2.4. Entries must be the original work of the competitors.
2.5. Entries may be any size up to 11”X14”.
2.6. No backing required.
2.7. Matting is optional.
2.8. Entries can NOT be framed or include any type of covering.
2.9. All entries must have the “competitor’s name, image title and an arrow indicating up” securely attached on the back, lower right hand corner. Information must be legible to the committee.
2.10. No photographer identifying information allowed on front.
3. Entries, Prizes and Judging
3.1. Each competitor may submit up to two (2) photos in each monthly contest unless specifically changed by committee and notification made to membership.
3.2. Contest will be judged by a vote of the Linn Area Photo Club membership.